Apostle Michael Williams

 Apostle Michael J. Williams Sr.

was born in Chicago Il , and raised in Des Moines , Iowa by his father who was a WWII Army Veteran, and his mother who was a Teachers Aid for many years. Both of his parents were deceased by the time he turned 16. During his childhood and through adolescence his Grandmother was the one who spoke many spiritual truths into his life and was the spiritual inspiration for the rest of his 3 brothers and only sister.

Apostle Michael enlisted into the United States Army at the age of 17 and is a Vietnam Era Veteran.  During his Military years, he excelled into a leader of men and women, he spent several years in the field of Military Personnel and Administration. His background in Military Personnel allowed him the privilege of working in many different areas of the Armed Forces, which included assisting returning troops at the end of the Vietnam War with job placement, counseling, and housing locations. Through working with combat soldiers he was able to gain priceless knowledge and insight into different aspects of war that he uses in his fight against the kingdom of darkness today. After leaving the Military he continued his education at Minneapolis Community College to obtain an Associate of Arts Degree.

In 1989 he began his Professional Sales Career, starting with door to door vacuum sales which he did for over 11 years, working up to the level of owning his own vacuum company which he sold in 2000. While involved with the Vacuum industry he was also able to work as Regional Training Director for the Corporate Office, and travel the Country doing motivational speaking, workshops, and seminars to boost sales. After leaving the vacuum industry he continued his sales career in the Satellite Industry working for Dish Network for many years, as Regional Sales Director, Field Sales Rep, and Retail Sales.

At the age of 30 Apostle Michael was born again through a miracle working deliverance performed at his home of being delivered from hearing tormenting voices from hell and he has never been the same. From then to now his God-given passion and focus has been on merging his military experience with his spiritual experience to give a clear picture of "The Army Of the Lord." 

Apostle Michael has served as Deacon, Minister, Elder, Assistant Pastor, Pastor, and Bishop for many years before being called into an Apostolic Prophetic Ministry under CI, Christian International Central under the direction of Apostle Leon Walters.  

Apostle Michael also has a four year Bible College Degree in Theological Studies, after earning his degree he became an Instructor for the Bible College for two years and plans on continuing his education to earn his Masters and Doctorate.

Apostle Michael has been married to his wife Danielle Williams for three years; they have between them 6 children, 12 grandchildren, and 1 great!

Apostle Michael has a heart for all of God's people, and heads up The 5 Fold Ministry Academy he is also founder of Mr. Integrity Outreach Ministries, and The Bishops Academy. He does workshops and seminars across the country teaching men and women how to walk in their God-given authority as Soldiers in God's Army.

Apostle Michael has also owned his own cleaning business for many years and has recently sold the business to retired from work, but he says never from the work of the Lord.

Apostle Michael continues to grow, stay humble before the Lord and to take each day as a Victorious Blessing from the Lord.

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